Value Statement

Passionate - Creative - Personal - Unique

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hogpiano Cup Congratulations!

WOW!!!  Results from last term now all in....

And the House winner IS.................KREACHER HOUSE!!! YAY!!!  Congratulations to Mr M & Mr A on another job well done!

Those who showed SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT are.............Miss R, Miss A & Miss M! Woohoo!

Those who showed GREAT or AMAZING IMPROVEMENT are........Miss K & Miss S! Fantastic girls!!!

And.........the GREAT BEGINNERS are ..........Miss A, Miss J & Miss E!  YAY!! Keep up the good work!

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Value of Vitamin Seed

Miss E tells me this afternoon that she LOVES taking 'Vitamin Seed'! It's YUM! In fact, it's "too delicious"!

Miss Giggling Girty today learnt the rest of Twinkle Twinkle & the Music Alphabet. Not quite sure whether she's sure about 'H' yet though. LOL

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Teaching Adults

I love teaching adults! We have such fun & find it a different way of teaching.
This morning I've been teaching Lyn, a retired lady with an extremely busy social & family life. She also has finger nails & early-arthritic fingers so I have to work a way around that.
The Skaters Waltz is a piece that she's learning at the moment - a beautiful piece that I remember my grandmother  playing on the piano when I was a tiny girl. Such a graceful piece of music & so joyful!
The grace....& the hard to master in The Skaters Waltz. As with other students, I often try to create an illusion to aim for when creating a story through music. With The Skaters Waltz, I can't go past my memories of Sonja Henie on the old movies of my childhood. Who remembers those beautiful old pictures??
My instructions to Lyn are..........don't give her a wet backside or make her hat fall off... LOL  ;)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Gifts from students

6yo Miss M loves creating artworks for me while her big sister Miss R has her lesson. These drawings were the efforts of last week & are double-sided on the one piece of paper.

They are so sweet & I see the development of a child looking carefully at her world.

For those who can't read 6yo writing, the top says, 'Illustrated by Mia. These are penguins.' The bottom says, 'Illustrated by Mia. This is a boat.'

So very special... :)