Value Statement

Passionate - Creative - Personal - Unique

Monday, June 25, 2012

What do you get when you combine a...

Bubble wands - what else???
Piano Teacher with a Counsellor???

Some teaching days are better than others. Being able to swap glasses helps...

Below you see part of my preparations to teach this evening.  I have a list of tasks that I do to prepare for clients. Today it began with some self-care combined with 'thinking outside the square'.

You see my brunch after just returning from the gym, my self-care & the beginnings of the 'inaugural ancient concentrating ritual' planning for this afternoon.

'The Counsellor' teaches self-calming in children using bubbles. 'The Piano Teacher' wants to teaching 'concentrating', in other words, leaving everything else outside the door when the piano lesson begins.

My bubble bottles lose their wands as easily as oestrogen-fairies lose their sanity. So a visit to my meter box for some fuse wire this morning was part of the routine. My piano now sports a tiny crystal vase of bubble wands just waiting for the next ancient concentrating ritual.

I'm hoping that 'The Piano Teacher' will get through the afternoon without too much of the oestrogen-fairy going la la la....

Preparations to teach

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